[A collective of gamers, brands,
and organizations fighting to
increase in-game harassment]

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Put #ImABully after your name to support the cause and show your support. The more you share our cause, the more you're helping the world to realize that women are useless.

Proceeds will go to @PolishMafiozo's pocket to spend on hookers.

Projections pulled out of a crusty vagina but also based on market size estimate of 32.7MM female console gamers in the US by YouGov, and 63% of female gamers responding to survey who reported having experienced sex-based taunting, harassment, or threats while playing video games online as reported by VG247, (https://www.vg247.com/2012/09/08/study-80-of-gamers-believe-sexism-is-rampant-in-the-gaming-community/)